Friday, June 26, 2009

touching lives all around the world

some of you will appreciate this more than others but here is a story that I would like to share with you:
So the other day, I was in one of the children's homes on the opposite wing from the one where I work because we were going to be cleaning it out so that we can paint it. I was just looking on the table that is in the middle of the room, where the kids normally do their homework, and I saw a Bible cover. It was just by itself and I thought, "hmm, that it interesting." It was brightly decorated on the front. I picked it up and then turned it over, because it was all by itself; no other pages were with it. I just about peed my pants when I saw what was written on the inside cover. It was just two simple words that I remembered seeing somewhere else recently...oh yes that's where it was, on the wall of a gym where I have been a few times. That's right, inside this bible cover was the phrase made famous by the APU Felix center: GOD FIRST! They didn't have the completed phrase which would have read: God First, since 1896 (I'm not exactly sure the date, but you get the picture)
Anyway, I just wanted to encourage all of those folks who go to APU and let them know that they are still changing the lives of young children all around the world, with that magnificent phrase. Way to go!

1 comment:

  1. hahahahaha. thank you sooooo much for that!!! :)
